Thursday, September 17, 2009

As I started to water today I scared off the visiting Ruby Throated Hummingbird. I decided to sit with the camera and video camera after I finished watering. It took a few minutes but the little guy showed up again. He started in the back of the yards trying to feed on Rose Moss. That wasn’t working for him so he quickly moved to the front of the yard just across from where I was waiting with the cameras. I though this was a visitor because he is so spooked by any movement but looking at the picture it just could be the juvenile male that has been here for a few months. With his adult female protector gone I guess it is easy to understand why he might be a little spooked by people moving.

We had two females here all summer and they didn’t get along with each other. One of the females would chase the young male out of the yard. Several times while the young male was being chased the second female would intervene and chase off the first female. The second female and young male would then leave together with no aggression shown. I always thought that once a bird had fledged the adult wouldn’t have anything to do with the sibling.

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